Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Psalm 2

Recollection warned... wise...


   Praise You God
       Lording over the rebellious governors
           Laughing derisively at the insubordinate states
Punishing the jerks who think they can get away with insulting your anointed.
   Your are our king's big bad daddy
        and if anyone picks on your son
             you will stomp around and beat them up.


     Praise You God
You cast down the mighty from their thrones, 
scatter the proud in their conceit,
Only to birth your son in a barn, 
ride him around like a fool on a donkey, 
let him get all beat up and crucified like a traitor.
                      I have set my king on Zion, my holy hill.
                         So much for that plan.


    Thank you, Lord, for being the blessed and only ruler.

           Why do the nations rage?
                 Why don't people act right?
           It's all too crazy. Thank goodness You are in charge...right?

    Thank you, Lord, for begetting your child today. and now. and again.
    Thank you for the warning.

    Thank you for the refuge.


    Have mercy, oh Lord, have mercy.
    I need you because I don't need you.

    (We set ourselves and take counsel against You.
    Let us burst Your bonds asunder, and cast Your cords from us.)

    Paul says we're free from slavery to sin and now Your slaves.
    Jesus humbled himself, taking the form of a slave.
    None of this sounds great. 

    Paul says we're not children of the enslaved earthly Jerusalem,     but of the free heavenly Jerusalem.
    For freedom Christ has set us free.
    But through love become slaves to one another.
    Does that sound better?

    (Let us drop this stupid cross.
    Let us shake off your easy yoke and throw down your light burden.)

    Have mercy, oh Lord, go easy on us, don't be too angry.
    Give us another chance to follow your anointed.


     Dear God, we've got all kinds of discord inside. Inside ourselves. Inside our earth bubble.
        I know you're way up in heaven, but, could you stoop down and help us get ourselves together?

   A rumbling thunder laugh from on high.
   Lighting dashes, rod of iron from the sky.

   Warn us! Help us! Wake us up! Fear and trembling!
   Kindle your wrath quickly! Cast your fire upon the earth! would that it might already be kindled!


    Praise God, who brings order, and maybe disorder, who gives birth, who gets angry, who gives refuge.
    Praise Christ, who did not glorify himself in becoming a high priest, but was appointed by the one who said to him, You are my Son, today I have begotten you.
    Praise Holy Spirit, terrible in fury, anointing dove from heaven, sweet kisses, quickly kindled wrath, blessing of safety.


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