Saturday, November 16, 2019

Will of Richard Adams 1800

My mother in law helped me work through some copied pages of Richard Adams' will.

...and a small piece of land adjoining which of purchased of Mr. Lewis containing in the whole about one and a half acres and all the Negros there delivered into his ??? I give to my daughter Tabitha her heirs and assigns forever a tract of land in the county of Boutetourt containing by patent 958 acres lying next the Soucet?? Springs also ten Negros their value to be fixed at the average price that the Negroes belonging to my estate shall be appraised so at the time of my death ?? one share in the James River canal I give to my daughter Elizabeth Griffin her heirs and assigns forever a tract of land in the county of Goochland which I purchased of William T?? containing 600 acres lying on Rouck? Creek and ten Negroes their value to be fixed in the same manner as those Negroes given my daughter Tabitha. I give to my three daughters Ann, Sarah, and Alice their heirs and assigns forever all my lands on Rappahanock River in the county of Essex? to be equally divided between them also all the Negroes I have delivered into their possession. I give to my son Lo? Richard his heirs executor administrators and assigns forever all the rest of my lands in the county of Henrico and all lotts and houses in the City of Richmond with all the buildings and improvements thereon, but his? devise to my son Richard is in no manner to effect or control the devise foresaid to my said wife and I do further direct that my said son Richard pay unto his mother my said wife the sum of 50lbs ??? manner of Virginia ???

...during her natural life and of the ??? that may arise from the lands and lotts. I have hereby given him  and ten Negroes there value to be fixed in the same manner as those Negroes I have hereby given my daughters Tabitha and Elizabeth Griffin. My Brother Thomas Adams devise by his last will and testament gives me all his lands in the County of Augusta and Amherst subject to the payment of his debts in ??? of his Slaves, my will and desire is that all those lands as such ??? as shall remain to me by virtue of his said devise be equally divided between all my children as shall be living at the time of my death to whom their heirs and assigns forever
I have made a Power of Attorney to my son-in-law Mayo Carrington, husband of my daughter Ann to sell and dispose of a tract of land in the County of Patrick remainder of a tract of land ??? to me by Patent containing 5470 acres the remainder of which is supposed to be about 4000 acres. My will and desire the said Mayo Carrington continue to act in selling and conveying the said lands and whatever moneys may be raised from his sales of the said lands and the remainder of any part that may not be sold I give to my daughter Ann her heirs and assigns forever. I give to my daughter Sarah her heirs and assigns forever a tract of land in the Calf Pasture which I purchased of William Wright in the county of Augusta containing by estimation 100 acres. I give to my sons Richard, John and Samuel Griffin their heirs and assigns...?

...forever my Coal Pit tract of land in the County of Goochland which I purchased of Richard Wilkinson and the coal removed in a tract of land I sold Matthew Woodson adjoining containing 97 and 1/2 acres, it being part of the original tract purchased of the said Wilkinson, subject to the payment 100lbs to each of my daughters Tabitha, Elizabeth Griffin, Ann, Sarah, and Alice as such of them as be living at the time of my death to be paid out of the first proffits that shall be made from the sale of ??Coal Pit??, the rest of my estate, Negroes, Stocks of black?? cattle, horses, and stocks of any other kind and ??? estate of whatever ?? or ?? to be equally divided between my eight children hereafter named that is to say Richard, John, Samuel Griffin, Tabitha, Elizabeth Griffin, Ann, Sarah, Alice or to such of them as shall be living at the time of my death, to them their executors administrators and assigns forever, except as much Stock as will be ??sufficient??  to Stock or Plantation for my loving Wife if she choose to settle one in that case I do hereby give her twenty cows four work horses thirty sheep and four good breeding Mares to her and her heirs forever.
Lastly I appoint my much esteemed friend Charles Carter Esq. of Shirley,  Peter Lyon Esq of Hanover County my three sons Richard John and Samuel Griffin, William Marshall and George W. Smith Executors of this my final will and testament (written with  my own hand and hereby revoking all those wills....??? made....testament

...hand?? and affixed my seal this 30th day of January 1800
Richard Adams
Signed Sealed and Published
in the presence of Willaim Smith, Bowles Cooke (??Goche), Wm Dandridge?Bandrige?, Joseph Seldin, ????Virginia?
At a General Court held at the capital in the City of Richmond the 4th day of November 1800, this will was proved the oath of Bowler Cooke, Wm Dandrige, Joseph Seldin, ??? thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Peter Lyons Esq, Richard Adams, Samuel G. Adams, William Marshall and George W. Smith executors in the signed??said?? will named this day in court renounced the executorship thereof in the 14th day this same month John Adams another executor in the said will named this day appeared in court renounced his executorship thereof and Charles Carter the other ?? having henceforth also renounced his executorship of the same on the motion?? said John Adams who made oath and together with Mayo Carrington, Richard Adams, George W. Smith, Samuel Adams, Wm Marshall his ??securities?? ??enclosed?? into and acknowledged their bond in the penalty of one hundred thousand dollars conditioned as the ??directs certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration of the estat of the said Richard Adams ??? with the said will annexed?? in due form
Wilson Allen

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