Sunday, August 30, 2020

Summer Reading

 Reading has been tough since the boys moved in, but life has been so rich.

Culture and Value - Wittgenstein

Ludwig Wittgenstein - A Memoir - Norman Malcom

Wittgenstein and Modern Philosophy - Justus Hartnack

- My working memory doesn't work well enough to follow W step by step. Like in chess or other board games, I can only look ahead a couple moves before losing track of the possibilities. But I'm sympathetic to his style, and usually 'get' his insights at some level. I think, anyway.

The Life of Milarepa - trans Lobsang Lhalungpa

- need to read again!

The Rise of Wolf 8 - Rick McIntyre

- The first installment in a trilogy about the wolves of Yellowstone. McIntyre has spent more time observing wolves in the wild than anyone else living. perhaps anyone else ever. The writing is very flat, but the scope is epic.

Amulet books 1-8 - Kazu Kibuishi

- I asked Mom to send book 1 to the kids for Easter. Initially P was way too scared; Ty was scared but enthralled. After a few weeks of dipping his toes into the water, P fell for it and has asked me to read to him from the series almost every night.

The Great Psychotherapy Debate - Bruce Wampold

- Wampold argues that the medical model has misled interpretation of research data on psychotherapy (missing the forest for the trees). His starting and ending point is the equivalent effect of different psychotherapies. In between he demonstrates how research has shown that the "common factors" provide effects much greater than the specific ingredients in various psychotherapies.

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