Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Summer Tanager

 Saw my first summer tanager! (or recognized for the first time) over at Rockwood park, by the pond

why won't the bluebirds visit our yard? I've tried a mealworm cake...but only once. I saw one down on the other end of navarone. also peppy bluebirds in athens and in the mountains this past weekend

redwinged blackbirds enjoyed the pasture at the farm where we stayed. near abingdon

a ball of yellow flitted and flashed in the pasture, too. i'm pretty sure it wasn't a goldfinch. didn't see any black. and it was quite small. maybe a yellow warbler

two or more of the little birdhouses at the farm were occupied by house wrens. wow they can sing! carolina wrens hang and hop around our house, but i'm not sure we have any regular house wrens.

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