Thursday, May 10, 2018

Week 18 - Holy Extended Family

Christ The Lord: Out of Egypt - Anne Rice

It's hard to read or think or write! I'm in a slump.

   My favorite part of this book is the portrait of an "ordinary" 1st century Jewish extended family (when I read "household" in the NT, should I think of this type of family life?). Of course this holy family receives a difficult and mysterious calling, which they all, including Jesus, struggle to understand and respond to.

   The two major plot devices: travel - from Egypt to Judea, then Galilee, then to and from Jerusalem again - and secrets - Jesus' family has kept the full story of his miraculous birth from him and others.

   This book isn't as piercing as The Last Temptation or as potent as Jesus Christ Son of Man, but it is as earnest as those other two. It bears up under the weight of Rice's love.

   All three Jesus novels have highlighted the landscape, or Jesus' interaction with the landscape. How important is the landscape in the Gospels as compared with other ancient biographies?

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