“Since by His mercy He gives us still a little time, let us begin in earnest…”
Who was Brother Lawrence?
Nicolas Herman was born in Herimesnil, in Lorraine, France, about 1611.
As a teenager (16 or 18?) he joined the army, but was soon wounded in battle.
He experience a conversion at the age of 18.
“That he had been a footman to M. Fieubert, the treasurer, and that he was a great awkward fellow who broke everything.”
He attempted to live the life a hermit, but became frustrated and discouraged.
Herman joined the Discalced Carmelites of Paris as a lay-brother and was given the name Lawrence of the Resurrection.
He was assigned work in the kitchen, “to which he had naturally a great aversion.”
He lived to 80 years of age, after about 40 years in the monastery.
The Conversion
“That in the winter, seeing a tree stripped of its leaves, and considering that within a little time the leaves would be renewed, and after that the flowers and fruit appear, he received a high view of the providence and power of God, which has never since been effaced from his soul. That this view had perfectly set him loose from the world, and kindled in him such a love for God that he could not tell whether it had increased during the more than forty year he had lived since.”
The Resolution
“...at my entrance into religion, I took a resolution to give myself up to God, as the best return I could make for His love, and, for the love of Him, to renounce all besides…”
“...to form a habit of conversing with God continually, and referring all we do to Him…”
“...having resolved to make the love of God the end of all his actions…”
Early Troubles...
“That he had been long troubled in mind from a certain belief that he should be damned...this trouble of mind had lasted four years, during which time he had suffered much...”
“...I must tell you that for the first ten years I suffered much. The apprehension that I was not devoted to God as I wished to be, my past sins always present to mind, and the great unmerited favors which God did me, were the matter and source of my sufferings.”
Grace upon grace
“When I thought of nothing but to end my days in these troubles (which did not at all diminish the trust I had in God, and which served only to increase my faith), I found myself changed all at once; and my soul, which till that time was in trouble, felt a profound inward peace, as if she were in her center and place of rest.”
“Ever since that time I walk before God simply, in faith, with humility and with love…”
“That he had so often experienced the ready succors of divine grace upon all occasions…”
“That the greater perfection a soul aspires after, the more dependent it is upon divine grace…”
The Practice of the Presence of God
“And I make it my business only to persevere in His holy presence, wherein I keep myself by a simple attention, and a general fond regard for God, which I may call an actual presence of God; or, to speak better, an habitual silent, and secret conversation of the soul with God…”
“Let him then think of God the most he can. Let him accustom himself, by degrees, to this small but holy exercise.”
“During our work and other activities...we ought to stop for a moment, as often as we can, in order to worship God in our hearts…”
“That we need only to recognize God intimately present with us, to address ourselves to Him every moment, that we may beg His assistance...praising, adoring, and loving Him incessantly…”
Discussion Questions
What most interests or excites you most about Brother Lawrence’s story?
Does anything disturb you or confound you?
Have you had any experiences similar to Brother Lawrence?
When do you most feel in the “actual presence” of God?
Are there any practices that help you live and work in God’s presence?
“...as persons sent from God and standing in God’s presence” (2 Cor 2:17)
In which parts of your life do you most need this practice? Job? Home? Traffic? Church? Family life? Morning? Evening? Etc.?
Is Brother Lawrence’s practice the same as “unceasing prayer?”
“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thess 5:16-18)
What resolution would you like to make for your day tomorrow?
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